Person entries added or changed since 21 Nov 2022
30 Nov 2022
(?), Emily S.  (about 1832 - )
Dishman, Andrew A.  (about 1851 - )
Dishman, Baker  (about 1818 - 1883)
Dishman, Effa Bean  (1886 - )
Dishman, Emmett Osborne  (1857 - 1931)
Dishman, Luther Osborne  (1890 - 1944)
Dishman, Metra Jane  (1892 - 1918)
Dishman, Peter P.  (about 1805 - )
Dishman, Robert Emmett  (1878 - 1967)
Marsh, Mary F.  (about 1814 - )
Pettis, Mary  (about 1828 - )
Samuel, Elizabeth Elaine  (1868 - 1960)
Seay, Martha Jane  (about 1857 - 1887)
28 Nov 2022
(?), Jane  ( - about 1757)
21 Nov 2022
Barber, Emma Jane  (1868 - 1945)
Dishmon, Aden Nicholas  (about 1865 - 1938)
Dishmon, Bertha M.  (1893 - 1962)


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