United States
Washington County
Dishman, Frank  (1887 - 1955)
(?), Nancy E.  (about 1856 - )
(?), Susannah  (about 1816 - about 1859)
Cantrell, Alfred C.  (about 1863 - )
Cantrell, Helen  (1866 - 1932)
Cantrell, John W.  (1872 - )
Cantrell, Joseph  (about 1838 - 1898)
Cantrell, Mary Ellen  (1878 - 1957)
Cooper, Jane  (about 1804 - 1879)
Copeland, Parilee  (1875 - 1933)
Crabtree, Chloe Samantha  (1840 - 1917)
Dishman, Alice  (1884 - 1940)
Dishman, Ambrose  (1829 - 1902)
Dishman, Andrew Jackson  (1866 - 1952)
Dishman, Archa  (about 1849 - )
Dishman, Archibald  (about 1806 - 1879)
Dishman, Arlie Banks  (1897 - 1949)
Dishman, Armilda  (1865 - 1888)
Dishman, Artela  (about 1863 - )
Dishman, Ascha D.  (about 1898 - )
Dishman, Bertie E.  (about 1907 - )
Dishman, Canzata E.  (1877 - 1910)
Dishman, Catherine Sarah  (1872 - 1962)
Dishman, Charles  (about 1875 - )
Dishman, Denton Ernest  (1884 - 1955)
Dishman, Ebenezer Miles  (1862 - 1952)
Dishman, Elender  (1814 - 1876)
Dishman, Elender J.  (about 1837 - 1899)
Dishman, Elizabeth  (about 1842 - )
Dishman, Ervin W.  (1879 - )
Dishman, Etha  (about 1908 - )
Dishman, Euphema Fanny J.  (1854 - 1937)
Dishman, Finly  (1869 - )
Dishman, Francis E.  (about 1845 - 1897)
Dishman, Francis N.  (about 1862 - )
Dishman, George H.  (about 1836 - 1865)
Dishman, George Washington  (1839 - 1924)
Dishman, Henry G.  (about 1851 - )
Dishman, Irissa  (1892 - )
Dishman, Isaac M.  (about 1900 - )
Dishman, James Cashier  (1866 - 1929)
Dishman, Jane  (1846 - 1926)
Dishman, Jefferson  (1830 - 1913)
Dishman, John  (about 1832 - before 1907)
Dishman, John  (1863 - 1950)
Dishman, John  (about 1873 - )
Dishman, John H.  (about 1848 - )
Dishman, John Matterson  (1852 - 1936)
Dishman, John Wright  (1885 - 1937)
Dishman, Joseph  (about 1850 - )
Dishman, Joseph  (about 1878 - )
Dishman, Katherine Louise  (about 1927 - )
Dishman, Lathian  (about 1862 - )
Dishman, Lear  (about 1904 - )
Dishman, Lester  (1898 - 1969)
Dishman, Lewis  (about 1838 - )
Dishman, Loretta  (1899 - )
Dishman, Lotain Elizabeth  (1872 - 1963)
Dishman, Loy P.  (about 1894 - )
Dishman, Lucinda  (about 1867 - )
Dishman, Madison C. A.  (1873 - )
Dishman, Malinda W.  (about 1839 - )
Dishman, Margaret  (about 1855 - )
Dishman, Margaret  (about 1929 - )
Dishman, Mark  (about 1850 - )
Dishman, Martha  (about 1836 - )
Dishman, Martha J.  (about 1869 - )
Dishman, Mary  (1803 - 1883)
Dishman, Mary  (about 1871 - )
Dishman, Mary Elizabeth  (1878 - 1965)
Dishman, Mary M.  (1856 - 1935)
Dishman, Milas  (about 1809 - before 1900)
Dishman, Milas Leroy  (1875 - 1953)
Dishman, Milly  (1833 - 1900)
Dishman, Milton Sid  (1873 - 1919)
Dishman, Milus  (about 1834 - 1910)
Dishman, Nancy  (about 1832 - )
Dishman, Nancy E.  (1855 - 1917)
Dishman, Nannie  (about 1878 - )
Dishman, Ona W.  (about 1900 - )
Dishman, Polly Jane  (about 1869 - )
Dishman, Robert  (about 1889 - 1952)
Dishman, Rufus Mitchell “Piker”  (1878 - 1957)
Dishman, Sallie Lee  (1890 - 1970)
Dishman, Sarah Alice  (1859 - 1946)
Dishman, Serilda E.  (about 1848 - )
Dishman, Sherman Grant  (1864 - 1955)
Dishman, Susan A.  (1880 - )
Dishman, Tania A.  (about 1876 - )
Dishman, Thomas  (about 1809 - about 1850)
Dishman, Thomas  (about 1869 - )
Dishman, Walter Herbert  (1895 - 1929)
Dishman, William  (1847 - 1923)
Dishman, William Archabold  (1882 - 1962)
Dishman, William J.  (about 1844 - )
Elliot, Ekizabeth  (about 1852 - about 1878)
Gamble, Maggie  (1912 - 2002)
Griffin, Maggie
Gullet, Martha  ( - say 1869)
Harman, Mary  (1828 - 1909)
Harmon, Elizabeth  (about 1830 - )
Lowe, Margaret  (about 1851 - )
McCulley, Margaret  (about 1830 - )
Moody, Charles  (1863 - )
Pickett, Alice  (1905 - 1979)
Ramsey, Benjamin  (1811 - 1894)
Ramsey, Charles Campbell  (1803 - 1898)
Shaver, John W.  (1851 - 1930)
Smith, Elizabeth  (about 1809 - about 1864)
Upchurch, D. G.  (about 1845 - )
Walker, Rebecca  (about 1855 - )
Weeks, Samantha Jane  (about 1892 - 1945)
West, Elizabeth  (about 1845 - )
Wright, Willis Riley  (1840 - 1905)
Anderson County
Dishman, Elihu W.  (about 1847 - 1879)
Dishman, Henry P.  (about 1857 - )
Dishman, Leander Calaway  (1849 - 1933)
Dishman, Susannah E. M.  (about 1853 - )
Elliot, Ekizabeth  (about 1852 - about 1878)
Spice, Margaret  (about 1815 - )
Cumberland County
Dishman, Clarinda C.  (1856 - 1924)
Dishman, Mary M.  (1856 - 1935)
Shaver, John W.  (1851 - 1930)
Fentress County
(?), Nancy E.  (about 1856 - )
Butram, Texas  (1858 - )
Cooper, Jane  (about 1804 - 1879)
Crouch, George Washington  (1833 - 1915)
Dishman, Ambrose  (1829 - 1902)
Dishman, Andrew  (1835 - 1894)
Dishman, Archa  (about 1849 - )
Dishman, Archibald  (about 1806 - 1879)
Dishman, Archibald  (1860 - 1935)
Dishman, Armilda  (1865 - 1888)
Dishman, Canzata E.  (1877 - 1910)
Dishman, Clamanza W.  (1855 - 1925)
Dishman, Clarinda C.  (1856 - 1924)
Dishman, Cyrena  (1839 - 1891)
Dishman, Elizabeth  (about 1842 - )
Dishman, Euphema Fanny J.  (1854 - 1937)
Dishman, Francis E.  (about 1845 - 1897)
Dishman, Francis N.  (about 1862 - )
Dishman, George Washington  (1839 - 1924)
Dishman, Henry G.  (about 1851 - )
Dishman, James Cashier  (1866 - 1929)
Dishman, James L.  (about 1879 - )
Dishman, Jane  (1846 - 1926)
Dishman, Jefferson  (1830 - 1913)
Dishman, John  (1863 - 1950)
Dishman, John C.  (about 1864 - )
Dishman, John Matterson  (1852 - 1936)
Dishman, Joseph  (about 1878 - )
Dishman, Lewis  (about 1838 - )
Dishman, Lotain Elizabeth  (1872 - 1963)
Dishman, Louisa  (about 1848 - 1918)
Dishman, Lucinda  (1829 - )
Dishman, Lucinda  (about 1867 - )
Dishman, Lucinda W.  (about 1858 - )
Dishman, Madison C. A.  (1873 - )
Dishman, Marcus  (about 1810 - 1894)
Dishman, Margaret  (about 1855 - )
Dishman, Mark  (about 1850 - )
Dishman, Martha  (about 1836 - )
Dishman, Martha J.  (about 1869 - )
Dishman, Mary  (about 1846 - )
Dishman, Mary M.  (1856 - 1935)
Dishman, Milly  (1833 - 1900)
Dishman, Moses  (about 1817 - )
Dishman, Nancy  (about 1832 - )
Dishman, Nancy Jane  (1837 - 1904)
Dishman, Nannie  (about 1878 - )
Dishman, Polly Jane  (about 1869 - )
Dishman, Reuben Silas  (1850 - 1937)
Dishman, Robert Calvin  (1869 - 1937)
Dishman, Roena  (about 1842 - )
Dishman, Sarah Alice  (1859 - 1946)
Dishman, Sarah C.  (1862 - 1924)
Dishman, Serena Belle  (1887 - 1954)
Dishman, Serilda E.  (about 1848 - )
Dishman, Thomas Calvin  (1843 - 1913)
Dishman, William J.  (about 1844 - )
Harman, Mary  (1828 - 1909)
Harmon, Elizabeth  (about 1830 - )
Smith, Serilda  (about 1813 - )
Upchurch, D. G.  (about 1845 - )
Upchurch, Millie  (about 1818 - )
Upchurch, Tramel Clyde  (1898 - 1963)
West, Elizabeth  (about 1845 - )
Wright, Willis Riley  (1840 - 1905)
Franklin County
Dishman, B. Kellam  (1876 - 1969)
Dishman, Katherine Louise  (about 1927 - )
Dishman, Margaret  (about 1929 - )
Dishman, Shirley M.  (about 1931 - )
Gamble, Maggie  (1912 - 2002)
Jackson County
Dishman, Milton Sid  (1873 - 1919)
Dishman, Lunda F.  (1892 - 1938)
Johnson County
(?), Dora  (about 1867 - )
Dishman, Adolphus M.  (about 1858 - )
Dishman, Ascha D.  (about 1898 - )
Dishman, Etha  (about 1908 - )
Dishman, Lear  (about 1904 - )
Dishman, Loy P.  (about 1894 - )
Dishman, Lunda F.  (1892 - 1938)
Dishman, Ona W.  (about 1900 - )
(?), Dora  (about 1867 - )
Dishman, Adolphus M.  (about 1858 - )
Dishman, Ascha D.  (about 1898 - )
Dishman, Loy P.  (about 1894 - )
Dishman, Lula A.  (1885 - )
Dishman, Lunda F.  (1892 - 1938)
Dishman, Ona W.  (about 1900 - )
Knox County
Dishman, Leander Calaway  (1849 - 1933)
Morgan County
(?), Keziah  (about 1755 - )
Dishman, Archibald  (about 1806 - 1879)
Dishman, Jefferson  (about 1780 - about 1847)
Dishman, Lucinda  (1829 - )
Dishman, Mary  (1803 - 1883)
Dishman, Milas  (about 1809 - before 1900)
Dishman, Thomas  (about 1809 - about 1850)
Ramsey, Charles Campbell  (1803 - 1898)
Smith, Elizabeth  (about 1809 - about 1864)
Upchurch, Lydia  (about 1780 - about 1848)
Overton County
(?), Susannah  (about 1816 - about 1859)
Cantrell, Alfred C.  (about 1863 - )
Cantrell, Helen  (1866 - 1932)
Cantrell, Isaac S.  (about 1830 - before 1900)
Cantrell, John W.  (1872 - )
Cantrell, Joseph  (about 1838 - 1898)
Cantrell, Lillie B.  (1874 - 1934)
Cantrell, Mary Ellen  (1878 - 1957)
Cantrell, William J.  (1852 - 1926)
Copeland, Albert
Copeland, Parilee  (1875 - 1933)
Crabtree, Chloe Samantha  (1840 - 1917)
Dishman, Alice  (1884 - 1940)
Dishman, Andrew Jackson  (1866 - 1952)
Dishman, Artela  (about 1863 - )
Dishman, B. Kellam  (1876 - 1969)
Dishman, Bertie E.  (about 1907 - )
Dishman, Catherine Sarah  (1872 - 1962)
Dishman, Denton Ernest  (1884 - 1955)
Dishman, Ebenezer Miles  (1862 - 1952)
Dishman, Elender  (1814 - 1876)
Dishman, Elender J.  (about 1837 - 1899)
Dishman, Elizabeth  (about 1841 - )
Dishman, Ervin W.  (1879 - )
Dishman, Finly  (1869 - )
Dishman, George Debrell  (1876 - 1956)
Dishman, George H.  (about 1836 - 1865)
Dishman, Granville Swope  (1857 - 1918)
Dishman, Irissa  (1892 - )
Dishman, Isaac M.  (about 1900 - )
Dishman, James Hayward  (1871 - 1903)
Dishman, Jane  (1846 - 1926)
Dishman, John  (about 1832 - before 1907)
Dishman, John  (1863 - 1950)
Dishman, John H.  (about 1848 - )
Dishman, John Wright  (1885 - 1937)
Dishman, Joseph  (about 1850 - )
Dishman, Joseph Granville  (1873 - 1921)
Dishman, Julia Nevada  (1888 - 1965)
Dishman, Lester  (1898 - 1969)
Dishman, Loretta  (1899 - )
Dishman, Madison C. A.  (1873 - )
Dishman, Malinda W.  (about 1839 - )
Dishman, Mary  (1803 - 1883)
Dishman, Mary Elizabeth  (1878 - 1965)
Dishman, Mary Jane  (about 1837 - before 1907)
Dishman, Milas  (about 1809 - before 1900)
Dishman, Milas Leroy  (1875 - 1953)
Dishman, Milton Sid  (1873 - 1919)
Dishman, Milus  (about 1834 - 1910)
Dishman, Nancy E.  (1855 - 1917)
Dishman, Penelope  (1839 - after 1907)
Dishman, Richard  (1843 - 1918)
Dishman, Rowena  (about 1845 - before 1907)
Dishman, Rufus Mitchell “Piker”  (1878 - 1957)
Dishman, Serene  (1846 - 1924)
Dishman, Sherman Grant  (1864 - 1955)
Dishman, Solomon Addison “Simon”  (1856 - 1925)
Dishman, Susan A.  (1880 - )
Dishman, Tania A.  (about 1876 - )
Dishman, Tennessee Lucinda  (1874 - 1936)
Dishman, Thomas  (about 1809 - about 1850)
Dishman, Walter Herbert  (1895 - 1929)
Dishman, William  (1847 - 1923)
Hammock, Maggie Lee  (1883 - 1975)
Johnson, Abraham E.
Looper, Martha Jane  (1864 - 1941)
Lowe, Margaret  (about 1851 - )
McCulley, Margaret  (about 1830 - )
Ramsey, Benjamin  (1811 - 1894)
Ramsey, Bertha  (about 1833 - )
Ramsey, Charles Campbell  (1803 - 1898)
Ramsey, Irvin
Smith, Elizabeth  (about 1809 - about 1864)
Tayes, Nancy
Walker, Rebecca  (about 1855 - )
Dishman, B. Kellam  (1876 - 1969)
Dishman, Frank  (1887 - 1955)
Dishman, Solomon Addison “Simon”  (1856 - 1925)
Looper, Martha Jane  (1864 - 1941)
Pickett County
Crouch, George Washington  (1833 - 1915)
Dishman, Ambrose  (1829 - 1902)
Dishman, Archibald  (1860 - 1935)
Dishman, Clarinda C.  (1856 - 1924)
Dishman, Jefferson  (1830 - 1913)
Dishman, Lotain Elizabeth  (1872 - 1963)
Dishman, Louisa  (about 1848 - 1918)
Dishman, Mary M.  (1856 - 1935)
Dishman, Robert Calvin  (1869 - 1937)
Harman, Mary  (1828 - 1909)
Upchurch, Francis Marion  (1870 - 1953)
Putnam County
Butram, Texas  (1858 - )
Dishman, Arlie Banks  (1897 - 1949)
Dishman, Austin  (1877 - 1952)
Dishman, Ebenezer Miles  (1862 - 1952)
Dishman, George Debrell  (1876 - 1956)
Dishman, James Cashier  (1866 - 1929)
Dishman, John Matterson  (1852 - 1936)
Dishman, Julia Nevada  (1888 - 1965)
Dishman, Milas Leroy  (1875 - 1953)
Dishman, Robert  (about 1889 - 1952)
Dishman, Sallie Lee  (1890 - 1970)
Dishman, Tennessee Lucinda  (1874 - 1936)
Dishman, William Archabold  (1882 - 1962)
Dishman, Denton Ernest  (1884 - 1955)
Lowe, Margaret  (about 1851 - )
Ravalli County
Dishman, James Hayward  (1871 - 1903)
Dishman, Joseph Granville  (1873 - 1921)
Roane County
Dishman, Elihu W.  (about 1847 - 1879)
Dishman, Henry P.  (about 1857 - )
Dishman, Jefferson  (about 1815 - )
Dishman, Leander Calaway  (1849 - 1933)
Dishman, Susannah E. M.  (about 1853 - )
Dishman, William  (about 1839 - )
Spice, Margaret  (about 1815 - )
Van Buren County
Copeland, Parilee  (1875 - 1933)
Dishman, Milas Leroy  (1875 - 1953)
Weeks, Samantha Jane  (about 1892 - 1945)
White County
Dishman, Lester  (1898 - 1969)
Pickett, Alice  (1905 - 1979)
Colin County
Dishman, Canzata E.  (1877 - 1910)
Dishman, Sallie Lee  (1890 - 1970)
Dishman, William Archabold  (1882 - 1962)
Collin County
Dishman, Francis N.  (about 1862 - )
Moody, Charles  (1863 - )
Moody, Lotane  (1891 - 1937)
Grayson County
Butram, Texas  (1858 - )
Dishman, John Matterson  (1852 - 1936)
Dishman, William Archabold  (1882 - 1962)
Moody, Lotane  (1891 - 1937)
Dishman, John Matterson  (1852 - 1936)
Dishman, Arlie Banks  (1897 - 1949)
Butram, Texas  (1858 - )
Dishman, John Matterson  (1852 - 1936)
Dishman, William Archabold  (1882 - 1962)
Butram, Texas  (1858 - )
Dishman, Arlie Banks  (1897 - 1949)
Dishman, John Matterson  (1852 - 1936)
Dishman, Sallie Lee  (1890 - 1970)
Dishman, William Archabold  (1882 - 1962)
Haskell County
Dishman, Francis N.  (about 1862 - )
Moody, Charles  (1863 - )
Taylor County
Dishman, James Samuel  (1882 - 1959)
(?), Elizabeth  (about 1790 - after 1854)
(?), Lizzie  (about 1900 - )
Bethshares, Rachel  (about 1763 - about 1830)
Dishman, Carl Crockett  (1929 - 2011)
Dishman, Cordela  (1882 - )
Dishman, Daisy  (about 1923 - )
Dishman, Elizabeth  (about 1926 - )
Dishman, Ellen  (about 1916 - )
Dishman, Emmet  (about 1879 - )
Dishman, Emory E.  (1937 - 1949)
Dishman, Eva  (about 1929 - )
Dishman, Evert  (about 1908 - )
Dishman, Hayter  (1899 - )
Dishman, James  (about 1782 - 1859)
Dishman, John Henry  (1927 - 1993)
Dishman, Julia  (about 1904 - )
Dishman, Link  (about 1917 - )
Dishman, Louis  (1887 - 1946)
Dishman, Noah  (1851 - before 1910)
Dishman, Olga Dell  (1906 - 1969)
Dishman, Radford  (about 1843 - 1864)
Dishman, Richard Alexander  (1896 - 1956)
Dishman, Samuel  (about 1925 - )
Dishman, Susan Evelyn  (1887 - 1937)
Dishman, Thelma  (about 1919 - )
Dishman, Walter  (1892 - 1942)
Dishman, Warren  (about 1921 - )
Dishman, William Ebner  (1881 - 1965)
Dishman, William Tyler  (1898 - 1976)
Linkous, Mida V.  (1902 - 1956)
Upchurch, George  (about 1757 - about 1830)
Upchurch, Lydia  (about 1780 - about 1848)
Amherst County
Dishman, John D.  (1877 - 1934)
Dishman, John D.  (1877 - 1934)
Bland County
Lambert, Nannie Rose  (1931 - 2013)
Dishman, Martin  (about 1841 - 1931)


Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information provided on this website, you should not assume that it is 100% correct. Use what you find as a starting point for your own research, and verify all your sources. If you find any errors, please contact me and provide me with the source of the correct information. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this site.