United States
Dickenson County
Baker, Georgie  (about 1911 - )
Dishman, William Tyler  (1898 - 1976)
(?), Lizzie  (about 1900 - )
Dishman, Ellen  (about 1916 - )
Dishman, Link  (about 1917 - )
Dishman, Thelma  (about 1919 - )
Dishman, William Tyler  (1898 - 1976)
Grayson County
Wilson Creek
Dishman, Disey  (about 1814 - )
Massey, Permanus  (about 1817 - )
Independent City
Jones, Bedford  (about 1832 - 1862)
Moore, Samuel Anderson  (about 1837 - 1863)
Louisa County
Dishman, Carl Crockett  (1929 - 2011)
Lambert, Nannie Rose  (1931 - 2013)
Russell County
Couch, Jane  (about 1876 - )
Couch, Ollie  (about 1880 - )
Dishman, Giles Andrew  (1901 - 1956)
Dishman, Giles Edgar  (1925 - 1999)
Dishman, John D.  (1877 - 1934)
Dishman, Louis  (1887 - 1946)
Dishman, William Ebner  (1881 - 1965)
Millsap, Julia  (1852 - 1932)
Dishman, Emmet  (about 1879 - )
Dishman, John D.  (1877 - 1934)
Dishman, Melvin Smith  (about 1873 - 1939)
Dishman, Noah  (1851 - before 1910)
Millsap, Julia  (1852 - 1932)
(?), Lizzie  (about 1900 - )
Couch, Ollie  (about 1880 - )
Dishman, Cordela  (1882 - )
Dishman, Daisy  (about 1923 - )
Dishman, Elizabeth  (about 1926 - )
Dishman, Ellen  (about 1916 - )
Dishman, Eva  (about 1929 - )
Dishman, Evert  (about 1908 - )
Dishman, Giles Andrew  (1901 - 1956)
Dishman, Hayter  (1899 - )
Dishman, John D.  (1877 - 1934)
Dishman, Julia  (about 1904 - )
Dishman, Link  (about 1917 - )
Dishman, Louis  (1887 - 1946)
Dishman, Noah  (1851 - before 1910)
Dishman, Olga Dell  (1906 - 1969)
Dishman, Richard Alexander  (1896 - 1956)
Dishman, Samuel  (about 1925 - )
Dishman, Susan Evelyn  (1887 - 1937)
Dishman, Thelma  (about 1919 - )
Dishman, Walter  (1892 - 1942)
Dishman, Warren  (about 1921 - )
Dishman, William Ebner  (1881 - 1965)
Dishman, William Tyler  (1898 - 1976)
Millsap, Julia  (1852 - 1932)
(?), Lizzie  (about 1900 - )
Dishman, Daisy  (about 1923 - )
Dishman, Elizabeth  (about 1926 - )
Dishman, Eva  (about 1929 - )
Dishman, Samuel  (about 1925 - )
Dishman, Warren  (about 1921 - )
Dishman, William Tyler  (1898 - 1976)
St. Paul
Dishman, Maggie  (1914 - 1977)
Dishman, Olga Dell  (1906 - 1969)
Smyth County
Dishman, Mary  (1840 - 1919)
Tazewell County
Dishman, Lee Aulden  (1861 - 1916)
Dishman, Melvin Smith  (about 1873 - 1939)
Dishman, Susan Evelyn  (1887 - 1937)
Toms Creek
Dishman, Frank Handy  (1924 - 2000)
Washington County
Hardin, Jane  (about 1844 - 1923)
Wise County
Dishman, William Tyler  (1898 - 1976)
Chehalis County
Dishman, Melvina E.  (about 1854 - )
McAviner, William  (about 1859 - )
West Virginia
Dishman, Giles Edgar  (1925 - 1999)
Dishman, William Hansel  (1934 - 2007)
Mcdowell County
Dishman, Carl Crockett  (1929 - 2011)
Lambert, Nannie Rose  (1931 - 2013)
Big Creek
Dishman, Carl Crockett  (1929 - 2011)
Dishman, Emory E.  (1937 - 1949)
Dishman, Frank Handy  (1924 - 2000)
Dishman, Giles Andrew  (1901 - 1956)
Dishman, Giles Edgar  (1925 - 1999)
Dishman, John Henry  (1927 - 1993)
Dishman, William Hansel  (1934 - 2007)
Linkous, Mida V.  (1902 - 1956)
Dishman, Frank Handy  (1924 - 2000)
Dishman, Robert Leon  (1943 - 2005)
Dishman, Roger William  (1940 - 1991)
Mercer County
Dishman, Giles Andrew  (1901 - 1956)
Mingo County
Dishman, Walter  (1892 - 1942)
Russell County
Couch, Jane  (about 1876 - )
Dishman, Emmet  (about 1879 - )


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