James Edward Dishman and Churchwell Dishman

These pages present detailed genealogical information about a line of Dishmans in America that so far have not been connected Samuel Duchemin/Dishman.

This group of Dishman’s can trace their ancestry back to two brothers, James Edward Dishman (1814-1858) and Churchwell (Churchill) Dishman (b. circa 1804), who were born near Fredericksburg, Virginia.  Family history states that their parents died when they were very young and that they were raised by a family named Curtis or Curry.  Court records for the Superior Court of Chancery in Fredericksburg include an 1823  lawsuit brought by Ann Currie against a James M. Garnett on behalf of Churchill and James Dishman, infants (under the age of 21). In the court records, James Garnett was named as an administrator for the estate of ” _____ Dishman, deceased”. The lawsuit was dismissed in 1825 without any record of the reason. Churchwell married Mary Noe in Spotsylvania County, VA in 1832.  James Edward married Mary Black in 1838.  The two brothers left the Fredericksburg area before 1840 and went west.  They separated in what is now West Virginia.  Churchwell remained in the Wayne County, West Virginia area while James Edward went to Harrison County in southern Indiana.

In addition to direct ancestors, the database includes spouses, siblings, their ancestors, and related families. If anyone has additional information on these two brothers please contact me using the contact link or by leaving a comment on this page.

Not all people in the database are included on this site. Please see my DishmanWeb Inclusion Criteria page for a full explanation of how I determine whom to include.

These data were compiled by Keith Dishman of Johns Creek, GA. It is not complete and is an on going project. The author welcomes correspondence, corrections, and comments.

If you use this data in your published research or website, please provide a proper citation to this website. Thank you.

The database is maintained with The Master Genealogist and formatted for the web with a great companion program called Second Site written by John Cardinal.



Although every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information provided on this website, you should not assume that it is 100% correct. Use what you find as a starting point for your own research, and verify all your sources. If you find any errors, please contact me and provide me with the source of the correct information. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this site.